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6 AI Tools Email

6 Amazing AI Tools That You Should Already be Using

These 6 AI tools can revolutionise your output, saving hours and unlocking new skills - rapidly generate video content, ID anonymous site visitors, rewrite bad job posts. Adopt now, work smarter...

Employer Branding Dec 14 4 min read
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Portrait Frame

How This Tech Giant Acts Global and Thinks Local

Burgeoning interest and investment in the middle east is opening up opportunities in many sectors, but how do you create the right message to attract talent in a region so culturally different?

Employer Branding, Diversity, Equity and Inclusion (DEI) Dec 13 4 min read
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Ai 2

3 Clever AI Hacks for Employer Brand Leaders

With the plethora of AI tools out there, and new ones seemingly popping up every week, knowing which to prioritise can feel overwhelming. And while it's tempting to chase after the latest thing, you…

Employer Branding Dec 11 3 min read
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Being A Great Client Blog Post

8 Steps to Become a Dream Client

To produce world-class employer branding agencies and clients must forge an alliance based on trust, empathy and understanding and become more than just another name on the roster. Here's how....

Employer Branding Dec 07 4 min read
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Pattern 3

700 OpenAI workers threatened to quit for Sam Altman, here's why.

If there's one corporate scuffle that whipped up a wilder frenzy in big tech than the prospect of Elon Musk and Mark Zuckerberg throwing each other round a cage, it was this - the battle between Sam…

Employer Branding Dec 07 3 min read
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Pattern 2 (1) (1)

Why Upskilling is the New Frontline in the War for Talent

With job requirements changing due to advancements in tech, and changing attitudes to careers, the upskilling and reskilling of employees has become a vital strategic front in the war for talent...

Employer Branding, Talent Attraction, Learning and Development Nov 29
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