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The one thing AI can't do better than us - yet

Are marketers and creatives about to be replaced by the relentless and rapid rise of AI technology? Whilst it is transformative to many processes, there is still one thing it cannot improve...

Employer Branding Mar 14 4 min read
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Crafting Compelling Employee Stories for Employer Branding Success

I’ve seen a lot of employee “story” content out there. Almost all of it misses the mark of what sharp employee content should achieve for your employer brand – making talent sit up and take notice.

Employer Branding Mar 13 3 min read
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Unlocking Your Workplace Culture through Candid Feedback

Attracting top talent is an ongoing battle. To win, you need an authentic workplace culture that resonates. Here's how to uncover your culture's harsh truths through candid employee feedback...

Employer Branding, Brand Authenticity Mar 07 3 min read
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The Three Golden Rules of Employer Brand Content

Navigating uncertainty in employer branding Budgets are tight for most this year. Layoffs, economic strain, and structural upheaval have set a precarious path for employer brand leaders as they try to…

Employer Branding Mar 06 3 min read
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Why your employer brand should be more “Barbenheimer”

Adding light and shade to display all the colours of your organisation's culture can make for really impactful employer brand marketing. Take a cue from Ken and Oppy...

Employer Branding Feb 29 3 min read
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How to Leverage Aspiration in Employer Branding

How do you include an aspiration in your employer brand that will drive your organisation forward, while remaining true to its current reality? Let me give you a quick example.

Employer Branding Feb 27 2 min read
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