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Winning the Argument for Employer Branding

Proving the case for employer branding and its business impact is one of the more challenging aspects of an EB leader's job. Here's why joining the dots for management is vital for project buy-in...

Employer Branding Jun 05 5 min read
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How to Activate your Employer Brand

Having an employer brand is not enough. To realise your project’s full potential, you need to actively manage and promote it both internally and externally. In other words, don't just build it,…

Employer Branding Jun 05
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SEO Myth-Busting: What Employer Branding Professionals Need to Know

Nowadays, search engine optimization (SEO) is key to any successful recruitment marketing and employer branding strategy. But with the slew of information online, it’s easy for misconceptions about…

SEO May 29 4 min read
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Why Skimping on Graduate Talent is a Rookie Mistake

Trying to save money on hiring new talent might seem like an obvious short term fix in a downturn, but it can do last damage to your reputation as an employer of choice in the long run...

Employer Branding, Talent Attraction, Talent Retention May 23 3 min read
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Beware of 'Zombie' employer brands

If you don't refresh your employer branding based on the current truth of your organisation you are dooming it to exist as a zombie brand - bereft of life, dreadful to look at, and scaring away talent

Employer Branding May 16 3 min read
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I Looked at 100+ Job Descriptions - Here’s Why Most Suck

“For young people, the job search has never been so miserable” declared a recent Financial Times headline and, as a young person - I think they’re definitely on to something.

Employer Branding May 16 4 min read
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