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Screenshot 2023 04 06 At 10.41.36

Nine Employer Brand Lessons from this Oscar winner

That’s the thing about Employer Branding. After a while you start to see it everywhere. And it is everywhere because it is rooted in the truth of the human condition.

Employer Branding, Brand Authenticity, Wellbeing Initiatives, Talent Retention Apr 06 4 min read
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Key Considerations for Building a Strong Employer Brand

Developing a new employer brand can be a daunting task. You want to attract and engage talent, whilst re-recruiting your current employees, but how do you ensure your brand is up to snuff?

Employer Branding Apr 04 2 min read
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How to Sell Anything to the Right Buyer

Understanding your candidate audience and being able to sell them an authentic vision of your organisation is the key to finding and keeping the right talent...

Employer Branding, Talent Attraction, Brand Authenticity, Employer Branding Research, Employee Value Proposition Mar 30 2 min read
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4 Brand Lessons from Seth Godin in 4 minutes

Set your timer, go. According to Seth Godin’s hit marketing book Purple Cow, the only way for brands to get through to the consumers who already have everything they need, is to stand out and be…

Employer Branding Mar 29
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Employalty F 3D Book Oct 3

Is Fixing Your Leaders the Answer to Talent Retention?

How important is leadership when it comes to talent retention? Author Joe Mull's new book argues that it essential to creating the fertile conditions for keeping people. But is it enough on its own?

Employer Branding, Talent Attraction, Talent Retention, Employee Value Proposition, Quiet Quitting Mar 22
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Is your Employer Brand Attractive or Compelling?

To reel in new recruits, most organisations are engaged in a perpetual game of one-upmanship, too busy to take stock of whether what they are offering has real substance and whether it is drawing in…

Employer Branding Mar 15 2 min read
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