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Intuition is Not Your Friend, When it Comes to Employer Branding

Never assume that you know what your workforce wants without engaging in proper, qualitative research first…

Employer Branding, Brand Authenticity Dec 07 2 min read
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Obama Mic Drop

How to Deliver the Ultimate Employer Brand Mic Drop Moment

Use these seven tips to add delight and surprise to your C-Suite employer brand presentation and achieve senior executive buy-in ...

Employer Branding Nov 30
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Own It

Who really owns your EVP?

Developing an authentic employee value proposition needs to reflect the real here and now of a workplace experience…

Employer Branding, Talent Attraction Nov 29
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Job Advert Meme Min

11 Top Mistakes to Avoid When Writing Job Descriptions

By avoiding these common mistakes, you'll set your job descriptions up for success and compel top talent from the first line to the last. 

Employer Branding, Talent Attraction, Career Sites Nov 29 3 min read
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7 Questions to Ask to Avoid Wellbeing Washing

Do your wellbeing initiatives make for a happier workforce or are they merely a box ticking exercise that lacks authenticity and therefore effectiveness? …

Employer Branding, Talent Attraction, Brand Authenticity Nov 24 2 min read
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Giphy 5 Min

A Marketer's Guide to Employer Brand Research

In a saturated job market in which valuable candidates have many options, employer branding is how the most innovative companies differentiate themselves from talent competitors.In marketing, we are…

Employer Branding Nov 22 4 min read
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