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What are Digital Hugs and how do you give them out?

Never underestimate the impact that a more personal approach can have on your employer brand marketing efforts. Wowing people by treating them as individuals can reap dividends for your reputation...

Employer Branding, Talent Retention Sep 06 4 min read
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1 Simple Formula for a Powerful Employee Value Proposition

Employer branding is a lot like marketing. It’s often called the “human side” of marketing because you’re not selling products or services, you’re selling a company: its experience, its culture, its…

Employer Branding Sep 05 3 min read
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Translating Values into Actions: Building a Tangible Workplace Culture

Values alone cannot help you build and foster a culture you want. You must define how they show up in the form of behaviours and actions. Here's how...

Employer Branding Aug 30 3 min read
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How to use Data to Smash your Recruitment Goals

Trying to build an effective recruitment campaign without the right data is like trying to play lacrosse with a plastic spork – you probably shouldn't bother. When it comes to seeing proper results…

Talent Attraction Aug 29 3 min read
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5 Changes BrewDog made to Fix its Candidate Experience

BrewDog has had a bumpy ride. After a scathing open letter from former staff members detailing the toxic company culture went public in 2021, the beer behemoth’s employer reputation was left in a…

Employer Branding Aug 23 3 min read
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How Job Preference Trends Impact Employer Branding

So-called "lazy girl jobs" have caused much chin stroking among recruitment sector commentators of late. Is it more evidence of a malaise among young workers or is there something else at play?...

Employer Branding Aug 23 4 min read
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