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The Science Behind Connecting Through Storytelling

People may forget what you said, but they will never forget how you made them feel. Which is why memorable and emotive storytelling is crucial to any employer brand. But what does the science say?..

Employer Branding, Employer Brand Stories Jul 18 3 min read
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4 Ways AI will Transform Work Life for Everyone

What does the effect of AI hold for the future of employment? While at RecFest we spoke to futurist Matt O'Neill to find out how we should embrace the new tools at our disposal and what comes next...

Employer Branding Jul 13
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3 Inspiring Employer Brand Ideas from RecFest 2023

RecFest 2023 was a wild ride - and we don't just mean the Ferris wheel and the precarious-looking mechanical bull. We’re talking about the smorgasbord of fresh ideas, insights, and expertise on…

Employer Branding Jul 12 3 min read
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We Are The Journey Makers

Building Futures in Aviation: MAG's Apprenticeship Scheme Sets New Standards

Finding new talent for hard to fill roles saw Manchester Airport Group create a new type of apprenticeship with a job at the end of it and a clear career path as part of its EVP...

Employer Branding, Talent Attraction Jul 05
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90% of Talent Care More About This than Salary

Whether you appreciate the value of employer branding or not, there’s no getting away from the fact today’s talent want more from their job than before. Millenials and members of Gen Z, who make up…

Employer Branding Jul 04 2 min read
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Boo W Backgroubnd

How to turn your meetings into growth accelerators

Learning how to debrief can transform your meeting culture, keep your employer brand aligned and create transformative strategic results that will accelerate growth…

Employer Branding Jun 29 5 min read
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