Case Study
An Award-winning Careers Site That Produced Stunning Results
How Ph.Creative Helped Wehkamp Build a Careers Website.
The brief
Ph. Creative completed an employer branding and employee value proposition project for Wehkamp long before we began building their careers site. This initial work proved our ability to nail the employee experience and, having built them ourselves, made us intimately familiar with their personas, EB, and EVP.
So when Wehkamp asked us to take what we learned and apply that to a careers site, we jumped at the opportunity to take our findings a step further. It wanted a site that demonstrated company values and brought the EVP to life through creative while painting a picture of how it would be to work there before a candidate applied. And we set out to build it.
The Client
Wehkamp is the premier online department store for families in the Netherlands. With more than 400,000 products from 2,000+ brands in the field of fashion and living, it strives to provide personal convenience for customers, a diverse and surprising range of products, and services that exceed expectations.
The Idea
We wanted to ensure the careers website was aligned to the EVP in every way. Wehkamp’s proposition to “Learn. Laugh. Lead.” needed to be demonstrated while also considering each persona’s user journey through the site, and the content that would resonate most with each.
We also had to highlight the unique offerings of Wehkamp. For instance, during some of our initial workshops, we discovered that current employees resonated with fellow colleagues as well as management - a rare finding indeed, and one we had to incorporate.
Additionally, as a hugely successful e-commerce company based in Holland, Wehkamp loves to give customers memorable experiences - a trait that dominates its consumer brand, and one it wanted to be mirrored in the website experience for candidates and employees.
All of this and more was achieved by executing a unique creative vision - one personalised to Wehkamp’s essence and its employer brand goals.
The Execution
From conception to completion, we worked to ensure Wehkamp’s careers site directly reflected its EVP and target personas’ preferred content. This included weaving in its proposition to “Learn. Laugh. Lead.”, and crafting associated content for each individual persona.
Beyond that, we worked to showcase Wehkamp’s unique offerings. Employees’ accessibility and relationship with management and colleagues alike was reflected in a “Meet The Lead” section where site visitors could hear from management about roles, benefits, and life at Wehkamp. A big focus was also on user-generated content from those already working at Wehkamp. This is how #wehkampmoments came about: an area of the site where employees could share videos and photos of them learning, laughing, and leading during their time at Wehkamp.
In order to do justice to Wehkamp’s commitment to delivering memorable customer experiences, we created an e-commerce environment where “products” became “vacancies”, and “conversions” became “applications”. This married the career and corporate sites, and differentiated the Wehkamp application process.
The results
The end results were profound.
The careers site averages 800 applicants (compared to 200 from the previous site) and 7000 visitors a month.
The quality of applications to this site has improved massively, suggesting that the website objective, to give candidates a clear idea of what it’s like to work at Wehkamp and the EVP, is being met.
Wehkamp has also fed back that candidates are more prepared for interviews - simply because they now have the tools to familiarise themselves with Wehkamp and the department or role they’re applying to.
Overall, a phenomenal success - and a real testament to how employer brand and further activation campaigns work best hand in hand.
Get Stunning Results with Your Own Careers Website
From a new careers website to helping you develop a strong employer brand, our team at Ph.Creative can devise a unique strategy to help you attract and retain top talent. Want to know what our team can do for you? Get in touch with us today!