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Employer Branding Evolution: Unveiling the 'Give and Get'





Employer Branding, Brand Authenticity

So you have established an employer brand but, is that it, or are there areas for improvement? How far are you from having the best employer brand for your organisation?..

Your employer brand and employee value proposition go hand in hand, but they're not the same thing.

At a very basic level, your employer brand communicates the universal experience of working for your company, and your employee value proposition tells workers and candidates what to expect from your organisation.

Where does “give and get” fit into the picture? It weaves into both concepts, enabling you to construct brand-based messaging that truly reflects your business and drives interest from talented people who will thrive as your colleagues.

Differing Levels of 'Give and Get'

There are three levels of execution when it comes to “give and get” employer branding and employee value propositions:

Level 1: Entry-level

  • Employer branding includes a memorable tagline underpinned by traditional pillars that have been cross-checked with corporate values.
  • The employee value proposition puts the brand in the best light.

Level 2: Basic

  • Employees agree that employer branding is a fair representation of the organisation and offers transparency about aspirational aspects of working for the employer.
  • The employee value proposition resonates with some people and repels others. The employer may have several value propositions for each audience segment.

Level 3: World-class

  • The employer brand leans into the gaps found within its employee experience to elevate its purpose and convey a sense of who belongs in the organization.
  • This employee value proposition clearly lays out the “give and get” in a way that job seekers and current employees can understand on a rational and emotional level.

No matter where you are on the employer branding and employee value proposition continuum, you can benefit from diving deeper and then strengthening both based on what you learn.

The added benefit? They become valuable, and distinct recruitment tools.

If you are starting out on your employer brand journey, either as the first practitioner in your company or as someone joining a team that already has elements in place, audit the strength of your employer brand and EVP and reveal ways to fill any gaps that might be present.

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