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The Four Pillars of a Great Candidate Experience





Talent Attraction, Employer Branding, Career Sites

In the battle for talent a great candidate experience can give you a real edge in attracting the best and brightest. Follow these four steps to create an incredible application journey for prospective new hires.

  • Develop standard operating procedures and recruitment checklists. These can be used to ensure every step of the process is followed for each candidate. You might include steps such as preparing for the interview, video screening calls and completing eligibility to work checks.

  • Consider your own experiences as a job applicant. Chances are, you’ve probably experienced good and bad hiring processes yourself. What were the pain points? Communication is the key to a positive candidate experience. Gather survey feedback from every interview candidate, whether you intend to hire them or not.

  • Involve all areas of the business in improving the candidate experience. We’ll say it again - this is not just about Personnel Services or Human Resources. If you have a dedicated Marketing or Communications team, these staff are well placed to help. Hiring managers across the board should also be briefed on the process so that they know how to manage the recruitment process.

  • Use candidate experience metrics. Doing so will ensure the data you collect is meaningful, so it can be used for reporting purposes and shaping the future hiring process. Using a reporting platform means you can compare candidate experience over time, identify trends and make improvements
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