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Six Essentials to Create a Laser Guided Brief





Career Sites, Employer Branding

The most important part of a project is the brief. With no clear brief, output and deliverables will not be right first time, every time. And the results could be messy and misaligned with what the client wants.

Here are six ways to improve this part of any project and increase the chances of getting it right the first time around.


Complete a briefing document

A no brainer. But a good briefing document should be comprehensive and cover many areas including background, objectives, deliverables, audience, key messages, mandatories (what must be included), budget, deadline and any other supporting information (brand guidelines etc.).


Play it all back

Make sure you and your team are all on the same page with what the client wants by going back through it with them. It is an opportunity to align and agree on the deliverables and helps avoid future misunderstandings. Clarity is key.


Interrogate the brief 

Ask questions if you’re not 100% sure. For example, if the client mentions a URL, is there an SSL certificate to consider too? Who owns and controls the domain name? It’s also an opportunity for you to add more value and innovation. Ask, Why? What’s the purpose?


Show what great looks like

Give examples that illustrate best practice. Doing this can help the team visualise the outcome and give more precise direction.

Over communicate

Have regular check-ins, ideally face to face if possible. Explain. Ask questions. Answer questions. Show progress and highlight any issues as early as possible. Work as a team to solve problems and deliver excellent output.


Take ownership

Assign an owner to the brief and ensure that each member of the team knows what they’re responsible and accountable for.

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