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How to Improve Your Career Website

5 min read.





Employer Branding, Career Sites, SEO, Talent Attraction

Having a great career website is vital to attracting and securing talent. If you want to recruit and retain the best people in your sector, you need a compelling company career site. As well as helping to define your employer brand, it will need to offer a simple pathway to help people apply for vacant job roles.

Read on to discover how a high-performing careers platform will help your business achieve its recruitment goals.

What is a Company Career Website?

Career page, recruitment website, job board… Whatever you call it, the purpose of your career website is to attract awesome new talent to your business.

Whether it's a single page on your website, a dedicated microsite or a separate job board, your career website should showcase your brand and entice potential recruits. Use it to shout from the rooftops about your company values and why it’s so great to work for your business.

How Can You Optimise Your Career Website?

For the best results, your career website should be optimised to ensure it attracts the right people and encourages them to apply for roles. Optimisation can be achieved by:

Increasing Visibility

Don't leave your career website hiding in the shadows. Make it easy to find by giving it prominence on your homepage and ensuring the link is visible and accessible.

Creating a Seamless Experience

In today’s world, user experience is everything - so make sure it's at the core of your company career website. The user journey should be intuitive, enjoyable and seamless. For example:

  • Can applicants find the career page easily? If it's hidden away, it could easily be missed by a great candidate.
  • Can they find the job they’re looking for or is there a way to filter roles? If it takes too long to find something, candidates may lose interest.
  • How many clicks are needed to apply for a role? Less is more here!
  • Has the application process been simplified? If not, this should be at the top of your to-do list.
  • Is communication clear and consistent? If it's not, consider ways to improve this.

Avoid asking applicants to set up an account or password before applying. Let's face it, nobody needs yet another password to remember. Your aim is to make it as quick and easy as possible to apply so that you don’t risk losing good people along the way.

Up the Ante with a Different Look

Giving your career site the same look and feel as the rest of your website could be disengaging, so make it stand out. Choose a different theme from the rest of your marketing that's still in keeping with your brand. Ensure the content is visually appealing and easy to navigate - give your candidates something to get excited about!

Add Video Content

Video content is highly engaging so use it to your advantage. You can create videos for job openings quickly and easily using high-quality mobile video tools. Words are good for outlining the details of a role, but video provides a fast and interactive way to attract attention. Creating a company recruitment video is an engaging way to tell potential recruits about your company culture, workplace and what it’s like to work there.

Showcase Your Company

Generic career sites won’t do much to communicate your employer brand or what it’s like to work for your company. So why not inject a little personality to your page by speaking to your applicants? Emphasise the company culture and provide key insights into your workforce. What can you offer that other businesses don’t? Providing a better understanding of what your company is all about will attract the best talent and streamline the application process - so you can find them faster. Win, win.

Ensure Your Site is Mobile Optimised

Most online interactions happen on mobile devices these days - that’s why Google puts so much emphasis on mobile-first sites when ranking search results. Your company career site shouldn’t be any different. To ensure your site is mobile-friendly:

  • Reduce load speeds by optimising images and video content
  • Keep copy short, sharp and to the point
  • Ensure your layout automatically adapts to different screen sizes

Career Website Experts

At Ph.Creative, we’re career website experts. With knowledge in all things recruitment, we’ll develop a career website that speaks to your candidates on their level. From single exceptional user experiences to incredible user journeys, every interaction with your career site should be enjoyable.

Our digital and strategy teams are on hand to identify who your people are and how to reach them. We’ll craft a career site that tells your candidates why you care about them, helping to attract the best talent in your industry.

Whether you want to define your employer brand or you need a career website that makes the recruitment journey simple and enjoyable, we’ve got you covered. To attract top-quality talent, you need to be serious about your company career website. We’ll make your site work harder for you, helping you to land the best high performers in your industry.

Get in touch to find out how we can elevate your recruitment process with a stand-out career website

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