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How to Rank Your Jobs Pages on Google





Careers Insider, SEO

Ranking on page one of Google...

Getting SEO right on your careers website is no mean feat. There are a huge number of variables involved, to ensure your website is as visible as possible, to the right candidates, at the right time.

Add “competitors” and “job boards” to the mix, and search can suddenly seem like a daunting subject. That being said… in the past 12 months, more and more HR Directors are looking to discuss SEO than ever before. 

Hold the front page... Of Google!

The reason? 

Quite simply, SEO is the one marketing channel that delivers the goods time and time again - without costing the earth. In addition, if companies are spending significant amounts of money on a careers website that showcases their amazing culture and houses all of their vacancies, it makes sense to ensure that the site is fully optimized for search engines – landing it pride of place on the search results page. With over 30% of all job searches starting on Google, it’s no surprise that we’re seeing more and more careers websites embracing SEO, making it their number one marketing priority when it comes to talent attraction.

In our new video series, “Careers Insider,” we take an in-depth look at specific job titles which fall into competitive niches, and delve into websites that rank outside of page 1 of Google in a specific keyword search. That lets us take a look at how well they’re doing from an SEO perspective, and how they could improve to grab themselves a top spot on Google’s search results page.

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