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The Key to Talent Engagement from the Experts in Employer Branding

3 min read.


Lois Payne Lois Payne



Employer Branding

1. Charlotte Marshall, Author and Employer Brand Leader

"Have you ever watched a movie and felt your heart racing or had to wipe tears from the corner of your eyes?

Have you ever listened to your friend tell a joke and laughed out loud, or gotten goosebumps from the recounting of spooky coincidence?

Of course, you have, because that’s what a well-told story does to us. It affects us emotionally, and it can change our physical state—and can even become imprinted and memorable.

The stories that people care about really live with us. My advice is to spend 90% of your time telling stories. Finding them, developing them, and sharing them internally and externally. Attracting new talent and re-recruiting the talent you already have, reminding them why to stay."

2. Declan Slattery, Head of Employer Programme & Chair of Global Advisory Board, TALiNT Partners 

"One vital thing that I’ve learned is to never make assumptions on what your audience want, always put yourself in their shoes, repeatedly test your concepts and never underestimate the power of authentic, human storytelling. Sharing genuine stories showcasing company's values, culture, and the experiences of employees has a profound impact on attracting and engaging top talent. By conveying these narratives, a strong emotional connection is established, fostering trust and creating a compelling employer brand. Authentic storytelling allows organisations to differentiate themselves, communicate unique attributes, and ultimately build a community of passionate individuals who align with their mission and vision."

3. Dannie Lynn Fountain, HR Program Manager at Google

"Authenticity and vulnerability in an employer brand are tremendously attractive to a candidate. Especially in this current environment of applying and hearing no response, or even worse, being ghosted after an interview.

If your employment brand positions your staffers as long-term partners to candidates, that relationship can lead to trust in a way that not only helps grow your teams but also impacts retention, impacts offer conversations, and more."

4. Jeff Mains, CEO at Champion Leadership Group

"While authenticity remains crucial, harnessing the power of our own employees as brand ambassadors has proven to be a game-changer. We realized that our employees are our most authentic and credible advocates, and their real stories and experiences can significantly impact our employer brand.

To put this knowledge into practice, we focused on building a solid internal culture that fosters pride and loyalty among our team members. We recognize that our employees are well-connected within their networks and can help us attract high-quality candidates who align with our company values."

5. Yuri Kruman, Author and Employer Brand Expert

"In the last year, given all the layoffs and loss of morale for staff in so many companies, I’ve seen Learning and Development programs and budgets as critical for Employer Brand.

Young employees especially are super keen on growth and development, growing their personal and professional brand on the job. Many, if not most, will not take a job if it’s missing these pieces. 

As such, I’ve recently worked a lot on building L&D programs for consulting clients that are not just tailored for new managers or high-potentials or execs, but custom-built for each employee based on their survey data, using AI-driven tools to increase program completion and accelerate skill certification.

This has really changed the game from reactive and largely useless to pro-active and highly engaging, with significantly higher retention rates and lower turnover, while increasing productivity."

6. Brian Lee, CEO and founder of Arena Club

"I've learned the importance of investing in branded content. My organization has successfully used branded content as a key aspect of our branding strategy. Resources like webinars, blogs, whitepapers, and eBooks, have helped us to generate more interest in our social media activities. This is especially helpful as we’ve expanded our recruiting efforts in conjunction with our branded content which has increased brand awareness and overall perception of our organization."

7. Walter Prystowsky, Creative Director, The TemPositions Group of Companies

"Employer Branding, like all marketing, needs to be tailored to the audience you are trying to attract.

It's incredibly important for employers to attract candidates who not only can do the job but also fit into the grander scheme of the company and the role's trajectory. Not everyone will want to work for your company and that's OK. Lean into the aspects of your company that are unique and will appeal to the type of people who will thrive in that environment.

When you sell to everyone, you sell to no one. Stay true to your company's culture, benefits, and opportunities and you will find people who are looking for just that!"

8. Erin Dertouzos Vice President, People Strategy at strongDM

"In a post-COVID world, many prospective employees have realized the importance of aligning their personal values with organizations they work for given how much of their time is dedicated to their careers. Tossing up a generic job description simply won't cut it anymore -- it is vital for organizations to proactively shape their image as an employer of choice -- and prove out that vision each and every day. A compelling employer brand not only helps to attract the right candidates but also instils a sense of pride and purpose among existing employees, fostering a strong and connected team."

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