10 Things Candidates Really Need to Know About Your Vacancy
2 min read.Answer these questions and see a reduction in bounce rate and improve conversion towards completed applications. The result will be better informed and committed candidates who will go further in the hiring process and make your recruitment team’s life a little easier…
- Company values
What are the values of the organisation? What does your company stand for? Call it ‘woke’ if you like, but these days people demand transparency. Summarise your values and add a link to them on the job page.
- Company culture
If you have a strong employer brand, make sure you talk about it on the job description page. Candidates want to get an idea of whether you're the right fit for them before they apply.
- Employee testimonials
Videos, personal blog posts, and interview snippets are a way to showcase the people potential candidates will be working with and may provide the answers to the many questions candidates will have before they commit.
- Product information
If you are a product company, people want to know about the products they are going to be building, selling or supporting. If you’re not a well-known brand they may not know if you are a fit with their own belief system. Let them see.
- Company performance
To an extent, candidates are willing to take a leap of faith when moving jobs, but no-one wants to dive into the complete unknown. They may be giving up a well-positioned role to work with you and may seek the reassurance that you are a safe bet. So, If you've been around for a long time and are still growing strong, share the good news, because it will help with that decision.
- Career FAQs
How does the application process work? How long will it take to hear from somebody? The more questions you answer on the job page, the less time a recruiter will spend answering the same questions over and over when they are screening candidates. It helps both parties out.
7. Diversity
Talk about your diversity culture. From the moment a candidate arrives at a job don't make them serach for the well-hidden page on the career site. Use your people's stories to showcase the wide range of talent you value.
- A Picture of Their Desk
You wouldn’t move into a new place without seeing a picture first, would you? A candidate can learn much from seeing where they will be working, so show them.
- A map of the office location
See above. Just as important as inside the office, realistically, no one will want to commute for more than an hour or so. Especially if working from home or hybrid working is an option. So, why not make it easy to figure out what that daily commute entails upfront? It could save a tonne of wasted applications and screening efforts.
- Similar jobs
Make it easy for candidates to search again or at least browse similar jobs. The addition of a Google powered search bar will reduce the bounce rate by 50 per cent. Giving you more time to engage candidates before they leave.
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